Archive for February, 2012

Dear Sprint: Maybe we should see other people

February 28th, 2012

Probably you’ll get enough context from the e-mail below, but some background: My employer offers a nice employee discount that I in theory should have been getting for almost a year, but that I didn’t push for until last October, when I got a new phone and re-upped my plan. Getting the discount has been such a lesson in awful customer service that I’m about ready to ditch more than a decade of customership.

Dear Andrea –

Whomever answered at the number below wasn’t happy to assist — she had no idea why I’d even called — and made sure I knew the situation was of my own doing. Apparently, my providing verification of my employment in October was not good enough, because I was supposedly sent an e-mail (that I never received, though your future verification e-mails and all billing e-mails come through just fine, as did the one below) asking for verification. Not that it would have mattered: I *did* get such an e-mail in January, when I just happened to ask about my discount when applying for a new plan. When I clicked the link in that one, it gave a “page not found” error. I called in and was told to simply reply to the e-mail with an acknowledgement, which I did.

That, too, was eaten by your system, because the rep who “helped” (and I use the term loosely) today couldn’t find it either. I was also given the great news during today’s call that because although I had properly provided verification at the store as requested but never replied to the hypothetical e-mail (and why was I even getting said hypothetical e-mail in October, when I verified my employment at the store?), and although I followed your own rep’s instructions in January and assumed she knew what she was talking about, I have now lost FOUR MONTHS of my employee discount.

I’ve been a Sprint customer for more than a decade. You’ve done well by me in the past, and I’ve proudly touted you as my carrier of choice — until now. Today’s call put the blame on me for not replying to an e-mail I never received, with absolutely zero attempt to acknowledge that I might actually have been telling the truth about it. (Surely the other steps, which were at least in part documented in your system, might point to a breakdown in the process on Sprint’s end?) I’m going to send this e-mail, and I’m going to take deep breaths, and I’m going to go home and play with my son. I’m going to sleep on it, and I’m going to decide whether to sever more than a decade together, because I’ve been not just utterly disregarded but indirectly told I somehow failed when I followed your instructions at every step.

Good night,

Andy Grieser

Dear Evan: More, more, more

February 1st, 2012

Dear Evan:

More, more, more. You want more. We know you want more, because it’s your favorite sign.

Normal sign language for “more” is to hands made to look sort of like duck heads, fingers resting on thumbs, with the tips of the fingers moving to meet each other.

Somehow, you learned it as one hand (your right) in the normal position and the other flat vertical, like a duck head pecking at a wall. That’s okay. We know what you mean.

Well, mostly.

“More” began (as did “all done,” which you also know) so we knew when you were still hungry at meals. But now you sign more when we least expect it.

If I slow down in the middle of a tickling? More.

If, as last night, you see some animal on television that you feel a special affinity for? More.

If we finish a book and you’re not done reading? More.

And yes, when you’re still hungry. More.

Sometimes we just don’t know. Yesterday you toddled through the house to the open window, looked up at me and signed “more.” More outside? More walking, as you and your Mommy had done earlier? More of the kids playing outside? We have no idea.

We want you to learn other signs, and your Mommy tries her hardest to get them to catch on. It hasn’t happened yet. You’re expressive enough, though, pointing at whatever catches your interest and saying “this” or “that.” (“Dishhh” or “dat”)

And your words! You have actual words. More on that later.