Archive for November, 2014

Dear Evan: ‘I hate everything now!’

November 4th, 2014

Dear Evan –

Today is Election Day 2014, but I’m not sure I want to write much about that. Your mother and I voted early last week, while I was off work for your birthday. I am interested in politics — it was my minor at college — but pessimistic. Your mother is even more interested, and motivated. However you turn out, I hope you always take time to vote. It’s a privilege not granted in many places. It’s a privilege often not granted here in the United States, which is why I hope you vote for the people who will serve all Americans, not just a few.

Well. I guess I wanted to write more about voting than intended. I’ll stop now, though. Maybe I’ll write more about it later this week, when the shenanigans of today are less top of mind.

Mostly I want to share snippets of your now-four-year-old life.

The most embarrassing (right now): Your mother and I, early on, decided against circumcision. Obviously, that means you’ll need to clean the bits yourself. Your doctor was worried, though, because your foreskin hadn’t been cooperating. We had some success for a bit, but then you went back to being unable to pull it back far enough. I explained after one bathtime that if we didn’t keep at it, you might need to get the circumcision. You asked what that was, and I simplified by saying you’d need surgery to remove the foreskin.

To my surprise, you began wailing. I was startled, and then laughed at your next statement: “I hate everything now!”

I hear you, little man.

I love you,